Ideas for living well in a complex world
The dance of life
Get out of your own way, stop making things more complicated than they are (which is not at all).
How To Get Your Act Together (An Unconventional Guide)
Learning mindfulness might be hard at first, but you'll get better at it. It just takes practice.
How to have a difficult conversation
Never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being shouted at to CALM DOWN:)
How to have an extraordinary life.
If you want to live an extraordinary life, you have to give up things that are part of a normal one.
What does a pinecone have to do with reading and writing?
Think for a moment about a pinecone. What does a pinecone have to do with reading and writing?
5 myths about coaching and what's more true
MYTH: Coaching is about peak performance, goals and problem solving
Reality: I know this one may seem hard to believe, but it's actually good news.
It's not about problem solving, but problems get solved.
It's not about performance, but performance improves
It's not about goals, but they get achieved easier
It's not about results, but they improve naturally
How to be flexible.
Whether you’re a pro or amateur athlete, businessperson, teacher, full-time parent or something else, you’re bound to have felt the pressure of your own expectations and the expectations of others.
How to sit still.
It's meditation practice, not meditation perfect
Meditation is just about returning to the practice, over and over again. Just do that and you’ll begin to reap the benefits.
Don’t die with the music still inside you.
This story is important because it can mean the difference between succeeding wildly with your life... or failing miserably.
Here's what happened ...
How to succeed at anything.
I am a book
this life is a chapter
today is a page
the possibilities are endless
Should you hire a coach?
What’s the difference between amateurs and professionals? Professionals have coaches. You can figure it out on your own, but it will take you longer and you won’t make it as far on your own.
What is stopping you from being happy right now?
What is stopping you from being happy right now?
Values are like fingerprints. You leave ’em all over everything you do.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, and Your values become your destiny.
What is the easiest way to improve your life today?
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
Helen Keller
I never finish anythi...
Everything you wanted to know about procrastination, but were putting off till later. In this article, I'll be covering
How to find your purpose. The Online Guide [2021]
The challenge of living a life with purpose is that you often have to believe two things that feel completely opposite at the same time.