The dance of life

Give yourself permission to stop struggling and clawing for success.

Let go.

Get out of your own way, stop making things more complicated than they are (which is not at all).

Do what comes into your mind to do, when it comes into your mind. Trust that the worst possible thing that could happen to you will always be the best possible thing that could happen to you.

That means stop waiting for people and things and money and situations. Let them go.

Turn “what is” into the best day of your life. Turn your focus inside.

Pretend for a moment that you don’t want any more money or things or people or particular situations.

Got it? Can you see it?

Now what can you do to be happy? Is it going to school or going to Paris or doing yoga or getting a kitten or quitting your job or singing or saying a prayer?

What do you want? When you’re clear on that, do what you can (that’s important) and believe the resources to do the rest will come to you. Know they are coming.

Be excited about the delivery. (Try not to track the package.)

Life is found in the dance between your deepest desire and your greatest fear. Desire takes action and fear stays safe.

Solve that problem and you will achieve...well, anything you want.

Let me help you figure that out.

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How to think better.


How To Get Your Act Together (An Unconventional Guide)