How to succeed at anything.

Life coaches in Vancouver

This story is important because too many people doubt themselves and their ability to bring a dream to life.

Here's what happened...

In the 1800s, Niccolo Paganini, one of the greatest violinists of all time, was about to perform in a sold-out opera house in Italy.  Right before the performance, he was running around backstage like a maniac.

The stage manager said, "Niccolo! Niccolo! Five minutes! Five minutes and you're on!"

So Niccolo went into a room, grabbed a violin, went out on stage, and ....

Gave the performance of his life.

He received a huge, thunderous, standing ovation.

When he finally got backstage, the stage manager came in and couldn't wait to speak to the musician.

He needed the answer to a question burning in his mind since the moment the frantic Paganini took the stage.

"Niccolo, you were a mad man before the performance! Usually you’re cool, calm and collected. What happened?"

The violinist said,

"Right before I went on stage I couldn’t find my violin. I had to borrow somebody else’s cheap violin. But I’m glad it happened, because today I learned the most important lesson in my whole musical career….tonight I learned that the music is not in the violin. The music is in me."

It’s the same with all of us.

The music is in you. The music is in all of us.

Stop fussing about your violins. Stop spending time worrying about the externals.
Stop wondering if it’s going to work and just get busy investigating, experimenting and creating a plan to bring your idea to life…. and then adjust as you go along.

You’re always going to have to adjust. Stop doubting and start believing.

I have helped more people bring impossible dreams to life than you can imagine. I can help you too.

Book a time for us to talk and let’s start building your dream.

Graham Wardle Testimonial about Vancouver life coach and mindfulness teacher david Frank Gomes


Don’t die with the music still inside you.


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