A path to joy.

"Happiness is a choice" is a popular saying, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Happiness can be a choice, but so can joy.

In fact, I'd argue that choosing joy instead of happiness is the better path to take if you want to live your best life.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a result of your actions and choices, not what happens to you in life.

Happiness is an intrinsic state, not something that can be bought or sold on eBay (or any other online marketplace).

Happiness is a journey that will last for the rest of your life!

Happiness is an attitude, not a destination.

Happiness is not enough.

Happiness is not a state of being; it's what you feel when you're in the moment and your brain is telling you that everything is OK, even though it really isn't. This can be an amazing experience--the feeling of being truly connected with yourself and others, of shedding the layers of worry and stress that make up so much of our daily lives--but it's not sustainable if we think that happiness is our only goal in life (and there are plenty more).

Happiness isn't a destination either; it's something that happens along the way as we go through our days, whether or not we're aware at any given time that "this is happy" or "this isn't happy." The journey itself matters just as much as getting where we want to go--we need both sides to get full value out of life! If all I care about is reaching happiness without enjoying myself along the way... well then maybe I should rethink my priorities? This doesn't mean being miserable all day every day (although sometimes this will happen), but rather making sure there's balance between feeling good now versus later-in-life benefits like wisdom gained from experience rather than just having fun every day forever without learning anything new along the way."

Are you happy or are you joyful?

We all want to be happy. But what is happiness? Happiness is a feeling, and it's fleeting. You can feel happy one moment and sad the next. It depends on external factors like what you have or don't have, who you're with and whether or not they make you feel good about yourself.

Joy is different from happiness in that it's lasting and comes from within--not from external things like money or success (although these things can help). Joy comes from who you are as an individual: your values, beliefs and actions; being kind rather than being mean; being generous rather than selfishminded; having integrity when no one else does...the list goes on!

The pursuit of happiness.

If you're reading this, chances are you want to be happy. And that's great! We all want to feel joy--it's part of being human and staying connected with the world around us. But what exactly is happiness?

Happiness is often thought of as a destination: when we reach a certain point or accomplish something important in our lives, we become happy forever after; this idea causes many people to put off pursuing their dreams because they think they'll only find true happiness once they've reached some arbitrary goal. But joy isn't something that happens once; it's an ongoing process of appreciating all the good things that life has given us and choosing not just what makes us comfortable but also what makes us feel alive (and ultimately leads up towards greater joy).

To live your best life, do not solely pursue happiness.

If you're looking for happiness, it's easy to become fixated on the pursuit of it. But this will only lead to more unhappiness in the long run. The truth is that happiness is fleeting and never lasts as long as we hope it will; our minds are always wondering what's next and when they'll have their next big moment of joy.

Instead, try widening your focus from just being happy into living a life full of joy--and here's why:

  • Joy is deeper than happiness because it comes from within ourselves rather than relying on external circumstances or events happening around us (which can often be out of our control). It feels authentic--it comes from deep within our hearts' desire for meaning, connection with others in ways that matter most, personal growth through challenges faced head-on instead of running away from them...and so much more!

Most people struggle to find joy in everyday life.

For example, you may be a successful professional yet still feel unhappy and unfulfilled, or struggling with a personal challenge, like anxiety or depression.

Rather than providing solutions for your problems I help you understand the thought processes behind behaviour and feelings. This leads you to self-solve by making small adjustments to your thinking and actions over time.

It's time to learn the basics of mindfulness, emotional intelligence and personal development. Though it's ultimately up to you to make changes in your life, the right tools make the journey to joy that much easier.

Let’s find time to discuss how mindfulness coaching can help you


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