The reason most marketing fails...

stop living like a robot

Linkedin is fascinating.

About three times a week I got a connection request.

Almost always they are marketers, although they tend to disguise it with interesting titles like "certified client success trainer."

And within about 10 minutes of connecting, they send me a message asking me about the "7 figure system" or some other nonsensical phraseology - all in the service of effortlessly filling my calendar with the most influential people ever, and if would I like to set up a call so they can tell me how easy it will all be?

Or the classic question so often used:

”What is the biggest challenge you currently face in your business?”

Whatever the answer, they will have a system to overcome it, and it will be effortless.

Is anything worth achieving… effortless? Not in my experience.

Curiously, some folks seem to believe they will conquer the world of business by using LinkedIn in such a transactional way.

It's such a charming Paleolithic approach, also known as the old stone age.

When you're marketing feels like factory farming, you're racing to the bottom.

It would seem to me real success is achieved when you confront and overcome fear, overwhelm and inertia by actually getting better at your craft, your art, your life, your job, yourself, even when it is uncomfortable or super difficult because you risk failing at first, till you succeed.

When you are willing to create a life that may confound and scare others, that's when you will become who you are meant to become.

When I first started my coaching practice, I was I middle-aged man taking an unknown plunge into personal coaching, which was in its infancy. I had a large mortgage, and to say I was frightened and unsure I could make something out of it, would be an understatement. My goal was to combine spirituality and life coaching.

Many many people told me it was a mistake. Someone I had worked with years ago in my film career, who was a very wealthy and successful man laughed at it and told me coaching was ok for improving your golf game, but nobody needed a life coach.

In my first year of coaching, I think I made 12 grand. I had to dig pretty deep inside myself to keep going.

All I can offer is... that when you expose yourself to the opportunities that scare you, you create something scarce, something others won't do.

You create something true and beautiful over time because you carve out courage within yourself.

The world may not get it today, but my experience tells me the future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.

To all the marketers using LinkedIn in such a phony transactional way, I hope you get the message.

This is why I combine mindfulnes with Co-Active Coaching.

It gives you the resources to succeed, authentically, at well anything.

Not overnight, but in a reasonable amount of time.

I am a Vancouver based life coach who works wirth people thought North America.


A path to joy.


The art of stumbling better