How to people get better at living their lives.

How do people get better? 

  • Better at their jobs. 

  • Better at their relationships.

  • Better at their lives?

How does a beautiful life get created?  How do you sustain it?

There are two views on this. 

One is kind of a static view. You go to school, study, practice, learn, graduate, and then go out into the world and make your way on your own. You are an expert. You don’t need support or help with anything.

And in a sense, it starts to make you more isolated.  Life feels frozen in time.

The contrasting view

Now the contrasting view comes out of sports and the arts.

Bill Gates famously said you are never done; everybody needs a coach and mentor. It's embedded in the process.

But most people think, that's not necessary.  I'm an expert in my own life and I don't need help, and the result is, that somewhere along the way you stop improving or life starts to feel stale.

Powerful coaching (requires a deep connection with the right person)  gives you an accurate picture of your reality, by looking at your fundamentals, values, daily actions, habits and mindset, breaking them down, studying them, and helping you build them back up again. And along with that, mindfulness teaches the most important thing of all - enjoying the journey.

And the truth is, sometimes there are periods where we get worse before we get better, but again, your coach helps you navigate through these difficult moments, when most people give up on themselves, and say, What's the use, I can't change.   

My mindfulness coaching process presents a profoundly important principle, that a fulfilling life is not just about moving the pieces around on the board, (external stuff) but also about taking care of your spiritual software (internal stuff) so you can find the right balance between outer success and inner happiness.

Both are necessary.

I am a Vancouver life coach who works wirh people thought North America.

For as long as I can remember, people have told me things.

rank Gomes is a vancovuer life coach and dog lover

All sorts of things. Not just superficial or fun stories, but deeply moving and honest stories that reveal what excites, motivates, scares, and attracts them.

That's why I became a life coach.
I'm a naturally curious person, so I'm fascinated to learn what makes people tick. I find the spark in each person's presence and shine a spotlight on it so they can use it for their highest good and happiness. 


The world doesn’t make sense, but you can make sense.


A path to joy.