The world doesn’t make sense, but you can make sense.


People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centred, LOVE THEM ANYWAY

If you do good, people will accuse you of Selfish, ulterior motives, DO GOOD ANYWAY.

If you are successful, You will win false friends and true enemies, SUCCEED ANYWAY.

The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow, DO GOOD ANYWAY.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable, BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY.

What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight BUILD ANYWAY.

People really need help but may attack you if you help them, HELP PEOPLE ANYWAY.

Give the world the best you have And you’ll get kicked in the teeth, GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOU’VE GOT ANYWAY

How do we find personal meaning in an upside down world?

How do we achieve valuable and important things in our lives, even when we may feel like giving up? Even when we feel what we want is impossible?

A “paradox” is something that…seems to contradict common sense, but yet is true.

There is great hope in this. When people focus on meaning and less on “success,” the world will start to make sense.

People will pitch in to help without worrying about who gets the credit.

People will help each other without worrying about who gets ahead in the company hierarchy.

People will live their values, follow their hearts, and do the work they were born to do, even if it does not lead to power, wealth, and prestige.

Choices will not be made on the basis of rivalries but on the basis of what is best for individuals, organizations and society.

People will not create problems to enhance their own power but will solve problems to enhance their personal meaning.

The world will be a lot less crazy when meaning-oriented individuals are out in front, addressing real needs and solving real problems without worrying about recognition or applause.
Whatever you choose to do, one thing is certain:

When you live the paradoxical life, you will find personal meaning in a crazy world.

You will make a difference. You will change lives. One of the lives you change will be your own.

I am a Vancouver life coach who works with people thought North America.

For as long as I can remember, people have told me things.

All sorts of things. Not just superficial or fun stories, but deeply moving and honest stories that reveal what excites, motivates, scares, and attracts them.

That's why I became a coach.

I'm a naturally curious person, so I'm fascinated to learn what makes people tick. I find the spark in each person's presence and shine a spotlight on it so they can use it for their highest good and happiness.

I think we can all agree creating a life that feels good can be hard.

Small things ignored becomes big things.

If you ever bought an online course, tried to learn a new skill, or came up with a new business idea, and then felt overwhelmed, unsure or frozen, you know what I mean.

Since our lives are non-renewable resources, we have to enjoy ourselves, but not waste our precious time.

Often the daily grind gets in the way of our best intentions and we end up stuck, uninspired or feeling like we can’t make our dreams come true.

There is a better way.

MINDFULNESS will make your days feel better.

LIFE COACHING will make your days more productive.

I live by the Point Grey Foreshore in Vancouver, where you often see these majestic creatures.


The eagle’s significance is characteristic of new beginnings, resilience, and stamina for those who have been experiencing difficult passages in life.

The eagle speaks to becoming a visionary who expands their self-discoveries and strives to reach greater personal freedom.

Click this link to book a complimentary coaching session with me.

What is life coaching?


Everyone grows toward something and everyone grows through something.


How to people get better at living their lives.