The search for meaning.
The phases in the search for meaning.
The initial stage of dissatisfaction
This stage represents the man or woman who still doesn't know their true nature, but one way or another, has started the search. They wish to find it, though they are not even sure what it is, or how to recognize it when it does appear. Sometimes the search is used as an escape from present circumstances that are not pleasant or ideal. Life may be a heavy load and so the seeker asks the most basic question - surely, there must be a better way of living. Most of those that have started the "search" are at this stage.
The path appears
At this stage, the searcher finds omens or signs in life and clues in one or more spiritual traditions. They become attracted by books of wisdom teachings and the lives of great Masters, and begin to notice that there are others that have followed the same path, and achieved the freedom they themselves seek. This stage might start with yoga practice, meditation or other disciplines. Through these experiences sensations related to the spiritual life are awoken, and this is often a time of great excitement and expectations, as a new window to the world is opened.
The first glimpse
When one has a glimpse of something more, let's call it the "undreamed of possibility." the student gets to see the true self and feel the energy that awakens. It is equivalent to the first contact with the master that initiates you or transmits their energy to you. Kundalini energy is both physical and spiritual in nature. The searcher's objective is to begin to cultivate this power towards awakening. The energy is turned inwards and cultivated. This first insight can take the form of spiritual experiences, any kind of vision or unusual event that stimulates the individual to follow the path towards that which is transcendental. It may be quite profound but it often can be so subtle that the student may not notice anything at all. It is different for everyone.
Capturing the experience
The experience has been caught but it is fleeting, and does not last. It is uncontrolled. At times it runs away and hides, at other times it appears, unmovable, like a mountain. It symbolizes the struggle with our basic nature, something that can last a whole lifetime. At this stage a person must use introspection to decide if they are moving forward or staying stuck and protecting themselves behind doctrines or ideas related to spiritual practice.
Taming the mind
This represents the control of our physical nature. This happens drop by drop as a bucket is slowly filled with water. You start listening and feeling this sacred power that was always there. Little by little you become the master of your own mind. At this stage you unite your consciousness with your true nature. This is why effective spiritual development formulas do not try to conquer, dominate, destroy or eliminate the ego, rather they teach you to live in harmony with it and become friendly with your pain. It is the ego itself that promotes the search of one's true wisdom and it must go through all the stages. Thus to talk about eliminating it is foolish. We are moving towards peace, not more war.
Riding home
In the Hindu culture, Gods and Goddesses are represented riding on animals as their vehicle. This symbolizes a good relationship between your inner life and your outer life. One must feed and take care of the body without abusing it or relaxing too much. This way the vital force becomes your ally. The struggle is over, the man or woman has attained the state of internal freedom.
The transcended:
Alone and happy, the student has become one with the Soul. Instead of the former efforts, a state of peace and happiness reigns. Trancendence is the experience of unity beyond dualities. It is an exceptional state of conscience. When we live in a dual world, we always experience the opposites: right - wrong, happiness - saddness, success - failure. Duality starts with the moment you are born and ends with death. Actually, we live not only in duality, but rather multiplicity. Transcendence implies a unity experience, not duality, not multiplicity, but just our true nature.
Beyond labels
All has fused itself into emptiness. We can only observe a circle, with nothing inside, which means all opposites have disappeared. At this stage the person can't even say "I'm illuminated" or "I'm not illuminated", the labels don't exist anymore. Unity is all that exists and everything is just as it is.
The origin of all things
Nature, flowers, birds, the river, mountains, the whole of the natural world represents what happens after the trascendental experience. Outside the illuminated human being, nothing has changed. They simply re-enter life with fresh eyes. When they wish they can go within. External life is the surface of the ocean, waves and turmoil, but they know how to dive deep into the very depths and connect to the bliss and peace of themselves.
Going back for others in the world
Compassion for all beings finally brings you back from the bliss of enlightenment to dedicating your life to social work that transforms culture and society. Wisdom becomes service.
Do you have a deep yearning for meaning, purpose and spiritual connection? Perhaps you've become more intrigued about spiritual things for the first time in your life. Are you experiencing a small but constant craving in your heart that the material world can't seem to fill anymore?
Do you want to develop explore your spiritual side, but are confused or unsure of where or how?