Swimming with sharks

Mindfulness training

It is the practice of meeting our thoughts with understanding and care.

Every single human being has a mind. Your mind can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy.

Mindfulness coaching helps you to turn your thinking into something that will make you feel better, not worse.

Stress happens when something you care about is at stake. It's not a sign to freak out and run away - it's a sign to move forward and feel the fear.

Feeling overwhelmed rather than uninspired by everyday life is a mindset rather than a true measure of what is going on in your life.

“Do it slowly; do it even when you’re afraid; do it when it feels impossible; do it any way you have to, but do it.
You have to do the thing that scares you. On the other side of fear is the life you truly want.
— David Frank Gomes

Mindset 1: Stress Is Harmful.

Experiencing stress depletes my health and vitality. Experiencing stress debilitates my performance and productivity. Experiencing stress inhibits my learning and growth. The effects of stress are negative and should be avoided.

Mindset 2: Stress Is Growth. Growth is life.

Experiencing stress enhances my performance and productivity. Experiencing stress improves my health and vitality. Experiencing stress facilitates my learning and growth. The effects of stress are positive and can help me become the best version of myself.

Stress and meaning are inextricably linked. You don’t stress out about things you don’t care about, and you can’t create a meaningful life without experiencing some stress

Even in circumstances of suffering, human beings have a natural capacity to find hope and make meaning. This is why in our own lives, the most common effects of stress include strength, growth, and resilience

I am a Vancouver Life Coach and mindfulness teacher:

Reach out if you are curious about working with me. If nothing else I guarantee a very interesting conversation.

You’d be amazed at what can happen in just three months of life coaching and mindfulness training.

Book a free session with David


Procrastination. Do we really understand it?


Everyone grows toward something and everyone grows through something.