How to tap into your hidden potential. The Online Guide [2021]
I would say there are three types of gravity pulling us away from our dreams and accomplishments
We never begin
We give up too soon
We live in the excuse, not the possibility.
Your real job is to live your life in a way that makes sense to you, not to anybody else.
So why don't you start a project, one you have been thinking about for a long time?
Maybe even make it huge and kind of crazy! Or small and kind of intimate. Or something in-between.
I've been experimenting with this idea lately and it's led to some cool things... It doesn't even have to be related to your “Job Job”, but it could be.
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings, which are your unique gifts and once you learn what they are and begin to use them, you begin to fly.
But often, some part of us does not feel good enough, smart enough, or we make the most delicious and wonderful excuses, like we don't have the right education or we don't have the connections or we don't have the time, or we don't have the _______.
You name the excuse and then watch the walls and barriers go up.
I remember when I was making my feature film back in early 2000. I was up against insurmountable odds, and things just never quite worked out.
It took me a long time, almost a decade but I never gave up on the dream. It ebbed and flowed and many times I tried to walk away from it, but it kept calling my name, and I did the one thing I am good at. I never gave up on it. And in 2006 my dream was realized. That was a long time ago, but it has defined my philosophy as a coach.
I can relate to the struggles of people, and can see that if I had had the support of a coach and mentor, I would have succeeded much sooner.
There is no substitute for support.
Never give up on yourself - Never stop believing in yourself
When you go through tough time or period, when everything seems to oppose you as you are trying to create something new ( I have gone through so many of these times I've lost count) ...when you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, please don't give up.
Because it is the time and place that the course will change.
I made a very big life change when I hit middle age, and it's not easy re-creating your life from scratch, embarking on a new career and trying to stay sane in a kooky busy fast world and make a living.
There are still many times when I ask...why does it have to be so hard?
But still I dance on, and I stumble and fall with regularity. I've just turned my stumbles into new kind of dance.
Sometimes it's hard to get back up and sometimes it takes longer than I would like it too. Sometimes I wish I were stronger or better or more resilient.
Sometimes I just want it to be easy. Often it is and sometimes it's not.
But eventually I get up.
I call it Grace - that magical and mysterious presence that allows me to keep building fulfillment, in the shadows and the sunlight.
And you can too. Find some support for yourself, find a way to facilitate the change you would like to see.
Everyone has been made for some particular purpose in this world, and everybody has some deep desire to achieve something - I believed it's like a code in every single heart. We just have to be code breakers and figure out what it is.
What do you want to do with this one precious life of yours? There isn't a moment to waste, and it doesn't have to be some huge big thing. In fact you can change your world just by changing yourself.
Your only job is to find something that satisfies the deepest longings of your own heart and go out into the world and do your thing to the best of your ability!
It doesn't matter if you are playing a big part or a small one, it only matters that you play it well.