The domino effect

The struggle to achieve our worthy goals is what makes us who we are - unique, strong, resilient and unstoppable.

Now, who doesn’t want to be unstoppable?

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.

Personal growth is an essential component of human life, and it often happens through struggle.

It's no secret that facing challenges and overcoming them can help us learn and develop new skills, but the domino effect of personal growth goes beyond that.

When we face a difficult situation and manage to overcome it, we gain confidence in ourselves. We start to believe that we can handle more than we previously thought, which leads to taking on new challenges and opportunities we may have shied away from in the past.

The confidence you get from a coach spills over to every other area of your life

This newfound confidence also spills over into other areas of our lives.

We may become more assertive in our relationships, set higher goals for ourselves, and take on leadership roles at work or in our communities.

Personal growth through struggle also allows us to gain perspective. When we face difficult times, we're forced to confront our values and priorities. We may come to realize what's truly important to us and what we want to focus on in our lives. This perspective can guide us in making decisions that align with our goals and values.

Moreover, personal growth through struggle can lead to a greater sense of empathy and compassion towards others. When we've been through difficult times, we understand the struggles of others more deeply. We become better listeners, more supportive friends, and more understanding partners.

Personal challenges can set off a domino effect of positive change in our lives. It builds confidence, expands our perspective, and fosters empathy towards others.

The next time you're facing a difficult situation, try to see it as an opportunity for personal growth. You never know where it might lead you.

So, don't be afraid of the struggle. Embrace it with open arms and a sense of curiosity.

Approach it as an opportunity to learn and grow, and trust that it will lead you to where you need to be.

Because in the end, the struggle is what makes us who we are - innovative, passionate, and unstoppable.

Become unstoppable with mindfulness coaching

David Frank Gomes life coaching Vancouver

I’m David, a Vancouver life coach and mindfulness teacher.

I create personalized coaching programs for my clients, designed to encourage, inspire, challenge and delight you.

  • People flourish.

  • Problems get solved.

  • Opportunities & goals come to life.

If this appeals to you, book a complimentary discovery session.


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